everything screwy is normal

Gotta be Polite to Ladies...
he shrugs his shoulders and looks at his smoking gun


she leads him along
a long a corridor

signs in as Ivan Johnson

Logic, Safety, Prudence

Lemmy leaves the busy boulevard
...enters an old hotel

from glovebox to pocket

A train is silently passing cross
a bead of light
lemmy feels for his gun...
steps out of his white Galaxy

Suburbs of Alphaville

the city is a complex of light against the night sky....a busy metropolis buzzing with an atmosphere of electronic energy...

LEMMY CAUTION (narration) : It was 24 hours 17 minutes Oceanic Time when I arrived at the suburbs of Alphaville


insistent ominous music: close up full-frame flashing light; a deep, mechanical, monotonous voice intones

Alpha 60 :
There are times when reality becomes too complex for oral communication. But legend gives it a form by which it prevades the whole world